Crossroads Park Ballfield Complex

Conceived decades ago, the Crossroads Ballpark Complex is almost a reality.
On the Crossroads Park property currently owned and maintained by The North Fork Pool, Park and Recreation District (NFPPRD), two 70-foot fields and two 60-foot fields are being built to be used by age 9-12 division baseball teams and age 7-15 division softball teams.
These fields replace fields currently in use in two separate locations within the town of Hotchkiss. The new, consolidated location will make practices, games and even tournaments that much more safe and fun.
This project will provide safe, centralized ball fields and a place of pride for 90-100 youth players, and the potential to serve adults playing baseball and softball in Hotchkiss.
At Crossroads Park, the Coach Pitch and T-ball teams will be relocated to a small adjoining multiuse soccer field, and the four fields being built will accommodate both softball and baseball teams ages 7-15. Families will be in one location for all age groups. In addition, school buses will be able to drop kids at the Crossroads Park location as they run their regular route to the high school.
The fields will also serve visiting teams and enable sponsored tournaments for players from all over the Western Slope. Visiting teams for softball include the towns of Delta, Cedaredge and Gunnison. Visiting teams for baseball include the towns of Paonia, Cedaredge, Montrose, Gunnison, Telluride, and Nucla.
At Crossroads Park, the Coach Pitch and T-ball teams will be relocated to a small adjoining multiuse soccer field, and the four fields being built will accommodate both softball and baseball teams ages 7-15. Families will be in one location for all age groups. In addition, school buses will be able to drop kids at the Crossroads Park location as they run their regular route to the high school.
The fields will also serve visiting teams and enable sponsored tournaments for players from all over the Western Slope. Visiting teams for softball include the towns of Delta, Cedaredge and Gunnison. Visiting teams for baseball include the towns of Paonia, Cedaredge, Montrose, Gunnison, Telluride, and Nucla.