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Requests for Public Records

The Colorado Open Records Act, (CORA) C.R.S. S24-72-201-206, provides that all public records shall be open for inspection by any person at reasonable times, except as provided in part 2 or as otherwise specifically provided by law. It is the intention of NFPPRD to apply this Act in a uniform an reliable manner to comply with its provisions.

Records requests or requestors that cite the federal Freedom of Information Act shall be treated as though they were made pursuant to the Colorado Open Records Act. Public records are those writings kept by a State Agency as required by law or administrative rule involving the receipt or expenditure of public funds.  See CRS 24-72-202 (6).  Costs may be assessed for a records request according to the service. 

Submission Process

Requests for copies of records must be made in writing. All requests must be presented in writing. Refer to CORA Requests in the Procedures section for more information in managing CORA requests.

Format of Records Produced

The Colorado Open Records Act does not guarantee access to the documents in a specific format.

HIPAA Related Requests

Documents requested that include personal information of employees such as social security numbers, health related information, addresses, and the like, are not considered public information and will not be distributed to outside sources.

Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

Personally identifiable information (PII) such as place and date of birth, home address, social security number, physical description, photograph, or signature of any person is always redacted prior to the release of public records. Likewise, electronic mail addresses provided by a person to the District to aid in future communications are not disclosed to the public.

Research and Retrieval Fee

Research & retrieval of documents is free for the first hour, subsequent hours will be charged. All fees must be received before documents are released or mailed.

Gathering, reviewing, and redacting documents up to 1 hourFree
Gathering, reviewing, and redacting documents per hour after 1 hour$41.37
Copies and printouts up to 20 pagesFree
Copies and printouts per page after the first 20 pages.15
PostageActual cost based on weight and size

Delivery Options

Documents may be delivered via regular mail or Email, whichever is deemed to be more convenient by the District Administrator, and will be delivered within 10 business days of request whenever possible.